Our Purpose

Established September 2014 through our shared interest, appreciation and desire to educate and promote all quilting styles including traditional, modern and art for future generations.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

And the winner is.......Red & White Challenge finale!

President Pat Navis opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. She welcomed and recognized 8 guests and 1 new member, and read the Guild’s mission from the bi-laws, article II:

The Guild has been organized for the purposes of promoting an interest in and an appreciation of all quilting styles including traditional, modern and art quilt-making; sponsoring workshops, lectures, displays, projects and occasions for friends to meet for fellowship; and engaging in charitable efforts as voted on by the membership.

Pat apologized that the Charitable/Comfort Quilts project for the Police Dept. did not go to the members for a vote.  If you are interesting in making quilt tops they would like them no less than 40x60, preferring larger sizes to accommodate older teens, like a large lap or small twin range.  We will need machine quilters as well. The police will hand these out in high stress situations such as a house fire, or when domestic issues occur like someone being removed from the home.  Andrea Aumick, our committee chair, will announce the next cutting/piecing/binding time soon.


Pat announced the following:

 A summer potluck picnic will be held in conjunction with our next sew in, Monday, July 25, 6:00-9:00 at the lodge. You are asked to sign up for a main dish or dessert, bring your own table service and beverage…..and of course, some sewing for later.  See Sally Leep, Membership chair for questions.

Officer election is coming up soon.  Barb Schippa and Vicky Gray 2 year board terms are ending in September, so we will need to find replacements for both. Barb Bredemeier is willing to take over finance for Vicky. We will need to fill the secretary position. If you have skills you’d like to share with the guild please let us know. We will begin vetting soon!

Barb Bredemeier, Vice President is organizing The Round Robin “row by row” challenge. Sign up is now underway. Examples were shown.  Barb noted they should be wall size quilts. Snow birds are encouraged to participate too.  See the website or Barb for more information.

Barb Schippa, Secretary, is organizing the Shipshewana Extravaganza bus trip, Saturday, October 22, 2016. The bus will leave Sam’s Club parking lot 8:00 AM sharp, return 7:00 PM. There will be plenty of time for fabric shopping at The Cotton Corner, Yoder’s, Lolly’s and Little bit of Lolly’s plus an Amish Threshers dinner on an Amish farm. We will enjoy a quilt trunk show by Amish quilt historian and author Rebecca Haarer. Registration forms can be found on the website, opening to the public July 1.

Before September 1 - Members $75/Nonmembers $85

After September 1 - Members $80/Nonmembers $90

*no refunds after July 1, you may resell or give your ticket away

Kathy Meuller, program chairperson, announced Ken Kutzle, antique quilt collector from Saugatuck will be our August speaker. October we will host Debbie Grifka, bold graphic quilt designer, author, and teacher. A workshop is planned as well. She can be found at www.eschhousequilts.com. For more information of these, see Kathy.

Great news! Janet Haines, our webmaster provided a demo of our new website going live this week http://bigredquiltersguild.org/ Janet showed how to sign up as a follower so you’ll get automatic updates when something is added to the website. Take some time to familiarize yourself with all the information on the site, including bylaws, all events and challenges, bee listing, all forms, schedules, and our blog.  The old blog will be deactivated after this months posting.

Red and White Challenge Finale! – Barb Schippa and Barb Bredemeier

Barb Schippa opened, noting how excited everyone has been, anxious to see all the incredible work everyone has done. Several asked why we chose red and white as our first challenge. It began with the internationally acclaimed exhibit called “Infinite Variety” held in March 2011 at the Park Avenue Amory in NYC. The exhibit was a single private collection of 650 red and white quilts, spanning 300 years, collected/owned by one person, Joanna S. Rose. It was displayed in a first ever dramatic circular overhead way.  Shortly after AQS/Paducah featured a collection of red and whites, then IQF Houston followed with red and white quilts to honor their ‘Ruby Jubilee’.  And finally, we thought it would be a fun way to commemorate the newly created BRQG begun in 2014, with Big Red as our icon, celebrating our 2nd year.

Barb Bredemeier introduced NACQJ certified guest judge, Sue Cortese. Sue selected 4 winning quilts, and wish she could have had more ribbons. She thanked everyone for participating, and how important it is to enter shows whether this was your 100th or first quilt; otherwise there would be no show. Sue explained all factors considered when selecting a winning quilt, all within three minutes.  She will answer our questions after we vote. We were asked to vote for numbered quilts only, and then enjoy some refreshments while we certify the ballot count.    

Pat Navis then announced Raffle drawing/winners, asking winners to help display the winners during show and tell.  Thanks to Sue Cortese for providing a raffle gift, a jelly roll of her hand dyed fabrics and selected threads available thru her website www.selcfabrics.com

Barb Bredemeier and Sue Cortese announced the winning quilts, each were brought up to the stage:

Large traditional – Sally Leep

Small traditional – Linda Chambers

Large modern – Kathy Ryzenga

Small modern – Barb Schippa

Viewer’s Choice – Barb Schippa

Quilters picked up the remaining quilts, including the vintage quilts for show and tell, and shared their inspiration story.

Pat thanked everyone and dismissed about 8:35 PM, asking for volunteers to tear down and clean up.

Barb Schippa


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