Our Purpose

Established September 2014 through our shared interest, appreciation and desire to educate and promote all quilting styles including traditional, modern and art for future generations.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 22, 2014 Program Reminder

Yes, we plan to meet. Join us 7:00 PM at Beechwood Church in the flurry of holiday plans and activities.  We’re told Ottawa Beach Road is finally open!  Bring a $10 quilt gift exchange, an appetizer or treat to share, and quilts for SHOW & TELL. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Looking to join a quilt bee?

Calling all quilters!  Are you looking for inspiration?  Can’t make any of the day time bees? Are you looking for a bee that meets in the evening?  Pumpkin Patchers is an open bee.  We meet the first and third Thursday each month, 6:00-9:00 PM at The Howard Miller Public Library, 14 S. Church St. in Zeeland.  Whether you bring a machine or hand work, come check us out.  For more information contact Sally Leep 772-2041, Barb Schippa 566-0261 or Joan Breuker 748-8318.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sew In reminder

Calling all Big Red Quilter's Guild members.....A quick reminder of our "SEW IN" (sit and stitch meeting), opposite months of our general meetings.  Those interested will meet at Beechwood Church in the Lodge (located on the left of the entrance to the main building) on Monday, November 24, at 7:00 PM.  We will have a group working on reusable sanitary pads and diapers.  Flannel and elastic donations would be much appreciated.  You are also welcome to bring a project of your own to work on.  There are electrical outlets for your sewing machines.  Hope to see you there!

Char Litwinski
Membership Chair

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank you local quilt shops!

A big shout out THANK YOU to two local quilt shops for generously contributing two giveaways at last months guild meeting......

399 E. 32nd Street, Suite 50
Holland, MI  49423

1144 East Paris Ave, SE
Grand Rapids, MI  49546

Very much appreciated!

Barb Schippa

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

October 27, 2014 general meeting

This is our first general meeting.
  • Janet Steinke opened the meeting welcoming everyone to our first official “Big Red Quilter’s Guild meeting and program. Hopefully the road construction will be completed by our December meeting.
  • Treasurer Vicky Gray reported we had 55 paid members with working budget of $1643.00….as of 5:00 PM today.   Be sure to invite your quilting friends to join us for future meetings.
    • SIDE NOTE - 26 new members signed up this evening making a total membership 81!)
  • Janet Steinke explained upcoming programs plans are underway and details will be announced as plans are firmed up.
  • Janet Steinke reminded everyone to check out the official blog and explained how to navigate it.  Be sure to sign up two places - as a ‘follower’, and ‘sign up by email’ so members get automated notice when something’s been posted, such as road information or weather announcements.
  • Sally Leep volunteered to establish and maintain a Facebook page for the guild as well.
  • Pat Navis will gather a complete list of charitable options to be considered for the SEW IN.  More will be announced in upcoming weeks.
  • Janet Steinke asked members to plan on the following for the December 22 Christmas program, and be sure to bring your show and tell (which will be part of each meeting going forward)
    • Each attendee should bring a hors oeuvres to pass.  The Guild will provide beverages.
    • Bring a $10 quilting/sewing related gift exchange.
    • We will play a progressive style LRC game, with a GRAND PRIZE awarded to the winner
  • For the program, members assembled at randomly assigned table to ‘meet and greet’ other members while completing Dove, Star and Santa ornament kits provided by the guild board.  They were charming!
  • The meeting ended with a small but inspirational group of SHOW & TELL quilts.  Be sure to bring a quilt to share and inspire to future meetings!  
Barb Schippa

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Show and Tell!

A quick reminder that all regular meetings (starting next weeks meeting) will include time set aside for SHOW and TELL.  Feel free to bring a finished project to SHOW and TELL in two minutes or less. We love to inspire, and be inspired!

Barb Schippa

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Guild meeting reminder

Just a quick reminder that our next Big Red Quilter’s Guild meeting will be on Monday, October 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the Beechwood Church.

Please note that Ottawa Beach Road is still under construction but as of Tuesday, October 21, you could still get to the church via Lakewood to 152nd St to Ottawa Beach Rd.  There is a barrier but I was able to get all the way to the church without any problems.  (Fingers crossed that this holds true until after next Monday!
Our program for the meeting is to make 3 different Christmas ornaments. 

Everyone is asked to bring a basic sewing kit (scissors, needle, thread)

The first pattern we will be working on is a star.  Please bring 3 pieces of fabric 2.5” x 8” and a button to complete this project.

The other patterns are for a Santa and a dove.  The guild will provide materials for these two ornaments.

Please note the following important information:

For those who have paid their annual dues, the Santa and dove kits will be provided at no additional cost to you.

For those who have not yet paid their dues, there will be a $1.00 charge to cover the cost of materials for the Santa and dove kits. (If you pay your dues on Monday, there will be no charge for the kits).

This will also be the last “free” meeting.  
Beginning in December, there will be a $5 fee for any non-member who wishes to attend.  
(That fee is only good for one time—after that, you either have to pay dues or not participate with the guild.)

Thanks everyone!  See you all on Monday!

Vicky Gray

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September 22, 2014 inaugural meeting

Our inaugural kick off meeting was held Monday September 22, 2014 after several months of planning by a small committee consisting of Jody Ritsema, Barb Walsh, Janet Steinke, Vicky Gray, Marie Yutendale, Barb Schippa, Sonja Swanigan, Linda Chambers, Sally Leep, Carmen Plott, Jeanne Kendrick and Cynthia Lyndsley
Attendance that evening was 84 total, with 55 total joining/paying $30 annual dues in cash.
Guild meeting dates and programs:  Meeting thru 2015 on the 4th Monday of the month, every other month after the first meeting:
  • Agenda – Janet Steinke lead the evening events: Core group introduction, work done to date since initial May meeting at Pressing Matters (thank you to Kelly Kindt for use of her store).  

  • Left to Right - front row Sally Leep, Jody Ritsema, Barb Schippa, Vicky Gray; standing Carmen Plott, Linda Chambers, Ruth Busscher, Janet Steinke, Marie Yutendale, Barb Walsh, Jeanne Kendrick, Cynthia Lindsley 
    Exploratory meeting at Pressing Matters Quilt Shop May 9, 2014
    • Those attending are interested in - variety, regular meetings, bees, art quilts, education and different techniques, modern guild for younger quilters, show and tells, fundraising, and charitable options (such as Beacon Lighthouse migrant baby quilts thru Beechwood Church, WIT, Cancer).
    • Guild name vote – Big Red Quilt Guild.  Bank account will now be set up so we can accept checks.
    • Meeting frequency – main meeting every other month, SEW IN preferred opposite months. A volunteer will be needed to manage the sew in events.
    • 501c non-profit discussion – Vicky is investigating this further to obtain best overall option, with Lynn Hekmann's help.
    • Bylaws were reviewed, voted and approved as presented.
    • Many volunteers will be needed to run this guild. Board members discussion and voted in:
      • President – Janet Steinke- presides over meetings and coordinated guild activities by delegating duties and workloads to members
      • Vice President – Marie Yutendale- presides over the meetings when the president is absent and also arranges for the rooms for meetings
      • Treasurer – Vicky Gray - in charge of collecting and disbursing funds, maintaining financial records and bank accounts, and publishing financial reports as required.
      • Secretary – Barbara Schippa - takes minutes at all general and board meetings
      • Membership – Char Litwinski - attends meetings and maintain guild meeting attendance records and who are members in good standing, including meeting and news announcement emails to members in good standing.  At this point emails should be sent to all on the master list.
      • Programs - Barb Walsh (Chair), Jody Ritsema, Mary Botsis, Janet Steinke – Alternate. A program will be prepared for each (every other month) meeting for all members in good standing, either by hiring or using volunteers and staying within allotted dollars/budget for the year.
      • OTHER - The following positions were tabled for now pending further discussion how duties should be divided and supported: Historian - maintains and records the history of the guild through pictures and words/may need to be rolled into blog, IT, membership roll call; and Publicity - to promote the guild and activities by using all means possible such as radio, newspaper, internet, and flyers.
    • Planning Group provided show and tell (max 2 quilts per person, must be completed, 2 minute presentation max).
    • Membership/Dues – 55 total paid $30 annual dues which run October to October.  Vicky collected cash, recorded dues paid using the Guild Master List.    
  • Next meeting - Monday, October 27, 2014 (first regular meeting).  Members were given a handout of what to bring including a basic sewing kit and 3 – 2.5”x8” fabric strips for Christmas craft mix and meet.  Program Committee will set up tables and chairs.
DOVE – kits provided by planning committee
STAR – each Guild member should bring 3 - 2.5” x 8” fabrics, a button, scissors and thread
SANTA – kits provided by planning committee

Barb Schippa