Our Purpose

Established September 2014 through our shared interest, appreciation and desire to educate and promote all quilting styles including traditional, modern and art for future generations.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A day with landscape quilter Ann Loveless – April 25, 2016

After weeks of anticipation 25 eager quilters arrived promptly before 9:00 AM Monday at the Lodge at Beechwood, quickly setting up their sewing stations prepared for a full day of quilting.  Everyone was super excited to learn new techniques from Frankfort Michigan native Ann Loveless, two time award winning ArtPrize landscape quilter.

Ann skillfully demonstrated her cutting techniques making ‘confetti’ for what she calls her “impressionistic art quilts”.  Batik fabrics are cut and layered under a layer of polyester tulle which is then free motion machine quilted.  The confetti colors act like a painters color palette, inspired by trillium woodland photos taken by Ann's husband Steve Loveless.

Later in the day the entire guild including 3 new members and more than 40 guests gathered at Beechwood Church for Ann’s presentation and trunk show.

Guests who paid $5 tonight were reminded they may join the guild for $10 for membership which runs thru September.

Program Chair Kathy Mueller gave information on upcoming programs, including the Red and White Challenge, plans for a hands-on wool project at our November sew-in meeting and no December meeting.

Pat Navis announced preliminary plans for a bus trip October 22 to Shipshewana, and a charity quilt project for Holland police department, which people will have an opportunity to work on next month at our sew-in. More details will follow on these in the upcoming weeks.

At the end of the program members shared their “show and tell” quilts, including those who attended Ann’s workshop showing their wooded landscape projects completed so far.

Monday, April 18, 2016

REMINDER - all RED & WHITE QUILT CHALLENGE entry forms are due NO LATER than Monday, April 25.  Quilts made within the challenge period (January 2015 thru May 2016) will be accepted for judging and awards. Guild members that have red and white quilts made outside the challenge period, including vintage or antique quilts, may submit an entry form and be entered for "showing" only and not considered for awards.

REMINDER - please forward all information on the quilting bees you are in to Barb Schippa no later than Monday, April 25. A list will be made available to members on the website soon.

PROGRAM REMINDER - Big Red Quilters Guild is very excited to welcome Ann Loveless, 2 time Art Prize winner to our guild Monday April 25.  Our evening program will be held at Beechwood Church, 895 Ottawa Beach Rd. Holland MI 49424. Social time begins at 6:30, with the program beginning at 7:00. Please be sure to join us for a wonderful evening, and invite your friends and neighbors. Program is open to the public, guild members are free, guests $5.00. Hope you can join us!

Lots of events coming up April 25!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ann Loveless workshop reminder

Big Red Quilters Guild is very excited to welcome Ann Loveless, 2 time Art Prize winner to our guild Monday April 25. 

Details for the Ann Loveless daytime workshop are as follows:

Start time - 9:00 AM sharp, the building will be open 1/2 hour prior for setup, with a break for lunch. Kathy will be sending lunch information to each participant soon.

Location - Beechwood Church Lodge, 895 Ottawa Beach Rd. Holland MI 49424 (same location as the sew in)

For further questions call Kathy Meuller, Program Chair at (616) 399-4685.

Supply list: