Our Purpose

Established September 2014 through our shared interest, appreciation and desire to educate and promote all quilting styles including traditional, modern and art for future generations.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Looking to join a quilt bee?

Calling all quilters!  Are you looking for inspiration?  Can’t make any of the day time bees? Are you looking for a bee that meets in the evening?  Pumpkin Patchers is an open bee.  We meet the first and third Thursday each month, 6:00-9:00 PM at The Howard Miller Public Library, 14 S. Church St. in Zeeland.  Whether you bring a machine or hand work, come check us out.  For more information contact Sally Leep 772-2041, Barb Schippa 566-0261 or Joan Breuker 748-8318.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sew In reminder

Calling all Big Red Quilter's Guild members.....A quick reminder of our "SEW IN" (sit and stitch meeting), opposite months of our general meetings.  Those interested will meet at Beechwood Church in the Lodge (located on the left of the entrance to the main building) on Monday, November 24, at 7:00 PM.  We will have a group working on reusable sanitary pads and diapers.  Flannel and elastic donations would be much appreciated.  You are also welcome to bring a project of your own to work on.  There are electrical outlets for your sewing machines.  Hope to see you there!

Char Litwinski
Membership Chair

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank you local quilt shops!

A big shout out THANK YOU to two local quilt shops for generously contributing two giveaways at last months guild meeting......

399 E. 32nd Street, Suite 50
Holland, MI  49423

1144 East Paris Ave, SE
Grand Rapids, MI  49546

Very much appreciated!

Barb Schippa

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

October 27, 2014 general meeting

This is our first general meeting.
  • Janet Steinke opened the meeting welcoming everyone to our first official “Big Red Quilter’s Guild meeting and program. Hopefully the road construction will be completed by our December meeting.
  • Treasurer Vicky Gray reported we had 55 paid members with working budget of $1643.00….as of 5:00 PM today.   Be sure to invite your quilting friends to join us for future meetings.
    • SIDE NOTE - 26 new members signed up this evening making a total membership 81!)
  • Janet Steinke explained upcoming programs plans are underway and details will be announced as plans are firmed up.
  • Janet Steinke reminded everyone to check out the official blog and explained how to navigate it.  Be sure to sign up two places - as a ‘follower’, and ‘sign up by email’ so members get automated notice when something’s been posted, such as road information or weather announcements.
  • Sally Leep volunteered to establish and maintain a Facebook page for the guild as well.
  • Pat Navis will gather a complete list of charitable options to be considered for the SEW IN.  More will be announced in upcoming weeks.
  • Janet Steinke asked members to plan on the following for the December 22 Christmas program, and be sure to bring your show and tell (which will be part of each meeting going forward)
    • Each attendee should bring a hors oeuvres to pass.  The Guild will provide beverages.
    • Bring a $10 quilting/sewing related gift exchange.
    • We will play a progressive style LRC game, with a GRAND PRIZE awarded to the winner
  • For the program, members assembled at randomly assigned table to ‘meet and greet’ other members while completing Dove, Star and Santa ornament kits provided by the guild board.  They were charming!
  • The meeting ended with a small but inspirational group of SHOW & TELL quilts.  Be sure to bring a quilt to share and inspire to future meetings!  
Barb Schippa